Thursday, October 31, 2019

IT Resources (Outsource or Insource) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

IT Resources (Outsource or Insource) - Essay Example Outsourcing and Insourcing have merits and demerits as far as an IT organization is concerned. This paper briefly compares the merits and demerits of outsourcing and insourcing. Outsourcing helps IT companies to exploit the cheap and efficient labour market of the foreign countries. For example, India is a country in which lot of IT professionals are searching for jobs whereas America is a country which searches for IT professionals. In other words, insourcing would be a costly affair in America compared to outsourcing. The IT job which may cost $ 10000 in America can be completed from India for around $ 5000. In short outsourcing is cost effective compared to insourcing. Tax benefits are another advantage enjoyed by the IT companies as far as outsourcing is concerned. Outsourcing jobs were exempted from heavy taxes since it is completed in another country. Outsourcing increases the capabilities of an IT company as far as their production capacity is concerned. For example, a company cannot take large volume of works or works beyond its capacity if it is strictly adhere to insourcing. On the other hand, there is no limit for an It company for taking orders if it opt for outsourcing. In fact, software developers are the larger segment of an IT organization as far as total employees of an IT organization are concerned. Outsourcing will help an organization to keep only the required staff permanently and there is no need for that organization to keep more production staff even at off seasons. Outsourcing helps the IT companies pay only for the services they receive. In other words, nonproductive costs will be considerably reduced if a company opts for outsourcing. Thus, Operational control is more in insorcing than in outsourcing. For example, an IT company can speed up the production processes if it is going on in the same country whereas it is difficult to speed up the production processes if it is going on in a foreign country. Communication problems may not be there if the production processes are done domestically whereas in outsourcing communication problems between the outsourcer and outsourcee can take place. Increased competitive power is another advantage of outsourcing. â€Å"Outsourcing can give your business a competitive advantage as you will be able to increase productivity in all the areas of your business† (The Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing, 2009). Outsourcing will help an IT organization to undertake jobs beyond their expertise. For example, if a particular software expert is not available with an IT organization, it can opt for outsourcing for getting that job done. Thus the organization can take jobs even beyond the areas of its expertise and thereby it can increase its competitive power. The possibility of exploitation of better technologies is another advantage of outsourcing. It is not necessary that IT functions developed equally in two different countries. For example, African countries are techn ologically weaker countries. It is possible for these countries to access better technologies from other countries with the help of outsourcing. Better managerial control is the major advantage of insourcing over outsourcing. When a job is performed domestically, the managers can ensure that it meets all the requirements. On the other hand the managers will get the taste of the finished product only after the completion of the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Enchantment and Exploitation Essay Example for Free

Enchantment and Exploitation Essay The pages of human history daubed in bloodshed related to conflicts of culture, race, and territorial ambitions coupled with economic interests, ask the crying question. How to make this Planet Earth heaven like? The answer is simple and straightforward. Eyes full of understanding, hearts full of love and mutual respect for each other’s way of life-enough, these alone are enough! The history of northern New Mexico is the example of the abovementioned exploitative behavior of successive waves of settlers. The mindless, aggressive and violent deeds relating to the historical past to defeat and unsettle the natives and destruction of the forest wealth, have created a new issue of environmental problems. The living style of the natives was one of deep respect for the Nature, imbibed with their own spiritual values. Nothing much is known about the people who lived in high Sangres. The archeologists and the intellectuals of the modern materialistic civilization fail to appreciate the modes and contented living styles of the native people. â€Å"They were gatherers and hunters whose closest cultural contacts lay with the Oshara tradition of the Desert Culture, centered to the west. Their living arrangements were flexible and mobile. They had few possessions, built most of their shelters to last only weeks or months, and irregularly congregated in groups of several dozen or dispersed in small family bands†(deBuys,William,1985,p,31) They wandered from place to place, were part-time agriculturists by profession. What they produced, like maize, squash, beans in canyon bottoms was less than adequate to meet their family needs. They protected themselves against flood, drought and other hazards with their traditional methods. The prime task of an aggressor is to take possession of as much land as is possible to establish a firm foot holding. Such people will employ every mean method to subdue the original settlers, legally if possible, illegally if necessary. History is the witness— there are always black sheep among the natives who are willing to betray the interests of their brethren for corrupt considerations. When the so-called moral and principled Americans came to this new land, they found the conditions favorable for them. â€Å"By exploiting the discordances between Spanish and American codes of law, Anglo speculators, often assisted by native New Mexican ricos and politicos, managed to buy up many tens of thousands of acres of valuable land grants for very little money.†(deBuys, p, 171) The civilized man needs to know that he can become master of his environment temporarily and then get ready to face the disastrous consequences. But the aggressors succeeded in stripping most of the Territory’s Hispanic villagers of their patrimony and their main source of wealth. Land disputes led to bitterness, rivalry and troubles in New Mexico even now. When people abuse land, whether it is in the backward Mexico hill range, or the forward America, the results are the same—inviting disaster for the life of humanity and the livestock as a whole. Nature does not condone its exploitation. â€Å"Through the late 1800s similar die-offs of livestock, caused always by a combination of overstocking, range deterioration, and bad weather, became common throughout the West. And in parallel fashion, westerners rapidly cut down their mountain forests in order to build towns, prop mine tunnels, and lay thousands of miles of railroad track.†(deBuys, p, 235) The modern man is not willing to experience himself as part of nature but as competitive outside force, destined to dominate it and conquer.   He does not realize that if he wins the battle against the nature he will soon find himself on the losing side. Look what happened in USA, a country that boasts of modern civilization. In the Civil War years, appalling conditions prevailed in California. Cattle and sheep perished in thousands, when nothing was left after overgrazing the rangelands and the perennial grasses was totally destroyed. Arizona, Wyoming, Montana and other cattle-growing regions did not learn lessons from the events in California. Man, whether savage or civilized, is a child of nature and this fact should be understood and accepted before it is too late, when the nature begins to react. The end of the natural resources is not the end of the story. With the deterioration of environment, the civilization declines. The wise saying goes, â€Å"civilized man has marched across the face of the earth and left a desert in his footprints.† Americans, Anglo speculators, assisted by the local rich class, destroyed the natural resources in Mexico. Usable timber was burnt, forested valleys and hillsides were systematically destroyed.   They killed most of the wide life. And finally the exploitation of the area reached the non-sustainable level and elk, bighorn sheep, grizzly bear, ptarmigan and pine marten were totally extinct. The protective topsoil was eroded. The resultant silt reached reservoirs, streams, irrigation canals, and harbors. They followed the road to ruin and it resulted in deep fissures within the conquering society and the natives. Historical records mainly contain accounts of battles, exploits of the kings and queens, their grandeur and wealth etc. They should have studied the historical importance of geography! The land use was an important factor on which destinies of civilizations and empires were largely determined. The existing competition among the various sections of the society for employment is another addition to the historical list of problems. The differences in the Anglo and Hispanic cultures on the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in northern New Mexico have not been ironed out totally up to his day. The three principle cultures, Anglo, Hispanic and Native American continue to be at loggerheads on many issues related to their interests. At the same time there is awareness among these groups about the advantage of living in unity amongst the cultural diversity. One of their common causes is ecology. Restoring the balance in the natural resources is everybody’s concern for which a solid framework is worked out. When you take care of the mountains, they will take care of all races of humanity in more than one way, irrespective of their historical backgrounds and the present conflicts. With such a restoration process in swing, the past wounds of the natives will heal to some extent and they stand vindicated as for their custom and traditions of accepting nature in utter reverence. Any boastful materialistic achievements of the 2000s should not prevent the native people of northern New Mexico to fight to respect and hold on to their history, land and cultural way of life. Conclusion: The wise saying goes—every action has the reaction and the intensity of the reaction is in proportion to the intensity of the action. The spiritualist and the scientist, both agree on this issue. Whenever the human being tried to define nature, it has co-operated, as for his investigative genius. Whenever he tried to defy nature, is has invariably awarded him with appropriate punishment. Economic ambitions are good servants, but they are bad masters; the man will destroy the natural flora and fauna at his own peril! The environmentalists need to go through the history of the Life and Hard Times of a New Mexican Mountain Range for a while.   The examination of the historical facts will highlight the increasing exploitative behavior of successive waves of settlers that resulted in disastrous consequences. Having done the worst, it is now time to find solutions to the region’s environmental problems. References: deBuys, William: Book: Enchantment and Exploitation: The Life and Hard Times of a New Mexico Mountain Range Paperback: 416 pages Publisher: University of New Mexico Press; 1 edition (September 1, 1985) Language: English ISBN-10: 0826308201 ISBN-13: 978-0826308207

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Saving Rate on Economic Growth

Impact of Saving Rate on Economic Growth NURU ABUBAKAR INTRODUCTION Saving rate is the amount of money, expressed as a percentage or ratio which one deducts from his/her disposable personal income to set aside for retirement or for investment in the money or the capital market in instruments like bonds treasury bills, shares etc. Savings rate can also refers to the percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) that is saved by households in a country (Ewa and Agu 2005). This indicates the financial state and growth of the country because households’ savings constitute the major source of government borrowing to finance public projects and also provides funds for private investments. It is an obvious fact that income is received as wages or salaries, rents, interests or profits by owners of factors of production. With the received income households buy the consumer goods they need. Not all personal income available to the individual or family, or the household is for personal use. The government takes a sizable amount in the form of personal incom e taxes. After these taxes are paid, what is left with the individual is disposable income (Ogunbitan 2010). Disposable income is used to pay for consumer goods and services, to pay interest on debts and for savings. Disposable income is an important concept because the income enables the consumer to decide how much to spend on current goods and services and how much to save. Savings is therefore that part of disposable income that is not spend on current consumption of goods and services but reserved for future use. Economic growth on the other hand is the process by which there is a sustained rise in real per capita income or output of goods and services over a given period of time (Ewa and Agu 2005). A positive relationship exists between savings rate and economic growth because when savings rate is high banks have more capital to lend for capital investments to both private investors and the government (Tawiah 2006). When savings rate is increased, economic growth certainly will increase because more capital is available to investors at reduced interest rates leading to increases investment in the capital stock. This study therefore focuses on exploring how savings rate impact economic growth THE IMPACT OF SAVING RATE ON ECONOMIC GROWTH Savings implies refraining from consumption. A consumer’s disposable income is either consumed or saved. The rate at which different consumers consume and save part of their disposable income apparently differs (Bleaney, Gemmell and Kneller 2001). This implies that different consumers have distinct average propensity to consume (APC) and average propensity to save (APS). These averages explain how much a consumer consumes and saves at a particular level of income. Similarly, there is marginal propensity to consume (MPC) and marginal propensity to save (MPS). The marginal propensity to save represents the fractional part of an increase in income that is saved. Aggregate saving assembles idle funds from surplus units to deficit units in the economy facilitating investment both by the private and public sector (Ogunbitan 2010). When aggregate savings improves, financial institutions are in position of funds to borrow their customers and government alike. The rate of interest actu ally determines investment in a country. The lower the interest rate charged by banks, the better investors are attracted to borrow for investment (Buscemi and Yallwe 2012). Income earned is either consumed or saved, that is, Y = C + S where Y represents income, C, consumption and S, savings. From the above linear function, saving means income less consumption, that is, S = Y – C. Savings therefore is affected by active spending decisions. There are basically three types of savings, namely; personal saving, business saving and government saving Personal savings is influenced by the following factors; Size of income: as income increases all things being equal, savings also increase Rate of interest: a higher rate of interest may attract more people to save and vice versa Government policy: the government can influence the level of savings in different ways such as attractive rate of interest policy and income tax relief or tax holidays or tax concessions (Ogunbitan 2010). Sense of responsibility: people with careful spending habits save even when the income is low compared to extravagant people who don’t even save at higher income levels. Political situation: a country with a stable political climate encourages citizens as well as foreign investors to save and invest which results into economic growth. The second form is business saving and is affected by the following: Profits: to encourage and affect savings, profit is necessary. The higher the profit the greater the inclination to save. Also, when profit is attractive directors of companies keep aside part of the profit to plough back into the business for growth and expansion (Bleaney, Gemmell and Kneller 2001). Anticipated rise in prices: when business units anticipates rise in price level, they increase their quantum of savings through investment goods to reap later the anticipated rise in price (Tawiah 2006) Government policy: an increase tax on company’s profit will reduce tax and vice versa The third form of savings is government saving. Government saving is achieved chiefly through a budget surplus. This may be secured by increasing revenue through additional taxation or by reducing current government expenditure. Apart from a budget surplus, saving can occur in other forms, such as when national insurance and pension contributions exceed current payments (Tawiah 2006). Reasons for saving; individuals may choose to save for some of the following reasons To provide for old age or for future expenditure To guard against a rainy day or unforeseen circumstances To leave an estate for immediate children or grand children Sometimes people save to become wealthy and raise their status in the society. Relationship between savings and investment In a frugal or savings economy, part of the earned income is consumed and part is saved. Let’s assume the following; That household spend only part of their income and save the rest There are some firms which produce consumer goods and some which produce investment (that is, producer or capital goods), and That all savings is undertaken by firms It is also important to explain withdrawals and injection. Savings and investment are examples of two other general categories of expenditure called withdrawals and injections respectively. An injection is an addition to the income of a domestic firm that does not arise from the spending of households or an addition to the income of domestic households that does not arise from the spending of the firms (Ewa and Agu 2005). A withdrawal on the other hand is any income that is not passed on in the circular flow of income and expenditure. Having established that part of aggregate personal incomes (that is, the national income) will be spent on consumer goods and part will be saved, it then follows that: National Income = Amount spend on consumer goods + Amount saved, that is, symbolically, Y = C + S †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..1 S = Y – C†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.2 Where Y = Income C = Consumption and S = Savings Considering national income as the value of the volume of the goods and services produced in which we have two parts, namely: consumers’ goods (C) and producers goods (investment), the following equation could be deduced National income = amount of consumer goods produced + amount of producer goods produced Since the production of investment good is an investment, the following equation could be obtained Y = C + I †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.1 I = Y – C †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.2 We can now deduce that since equation 2 above is stated that Y – C = S and where Y = income, C = Consumption and S = saving Equation 4 states that Y – C = I. similarly Y = Income, C = consumption and I = Investment equations 2 and 4 gives the equality of saving and investment. Algebraically, Y – C = S established from 2 above and Y – C = I recall, 4 above, then it implies that S = I†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.1 Since Y = C + S recall equation 1 above and Y = C + I recall equation 3 above, that is C + S = C + I†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..2 Hence, S = I From the above analysis, it can be concluded that the equilibrium level of national income is determined when savings equals investment. It follows therefore that changes in either savings or investment will bring about changes in the national income. For instance, when savings exceeds investment income will fall but when investment exceeds savings, income will rise. This is because more saving but less investment will mean less employment of factors leading to lower total output and hence lower national income. On the contrary, more investment but less savings, will mean employment of more factors leading to greater total output and, hence, a higher national income. There is stability, that is, balance or equilibrium in the level of national income only when saving is equal to investment. Economic growth implies more output per head as a result of more input and more efficiency. The output per head determines the standard of living in a country. Countries worldwide get preoccupied with horrendous efforts directed towards raising the rate of economic growth. This is the desire of the peoples in different countries to raise the level of their well-being. Economic growth is influenced by different factors which include; the skills and efforts of the labor force, the rate of investment, and the type of investment which is induced by appropriate level of savings, technological progress, availability and extent of the exploitation of natural resources, the persisting climate in the trade relationship with other countries, the extent of specialization, social and religious organization as in the qualities of the people’s character, government policy etc. Conclusion It is established from the above analysis the equality of aggregate savings to aggregate investment, and can be deduced that when savings rate is high in the economy, banks have more capital to lend for capital investment, which in turn promotes the volume of goods and services produced in the economy. That is, when savings rate increases, economic growth would certainly increase because more capital is available at reduced interest rate. This will also lead to increased investment in capital stock. It then implies that savings is a veritable tool that promotes investment in any given country. When investment is improved, there is increase in the volume of goods and services produced, stimulated by the savings rate which in turn leads to higher gross national income figures. This figures when measured leads to higher income per head and increased real income of the citizens. When government policies favor both households and firms who are the major agent of production, it leads to higher rate of savings and higher rate of savings provides funds available to prospective investors who borrow from either the financial institutions or from the money market on short term basis and from the capital market on long term basis. The improvement in the level of economic activities continues with additional savings as a result of improvement in the various sectors of the economy and eventually economic development is attained which is the goal and pursuit of all economies. It is therefore not out of place to conclude that savings rate in an economy can boost economic growth. Government should always ensure that monetary policies like attractive rate of interest on savings, bank rate, liquidity ratio etc. and fiscal policies like tax rebate, tax concessions and tax holidays are favorable at all times for the firms and household who are the major agent of production p rocess in the economy to continue to accumulate loanable funds by banks to accelerate investments. The rate of savings in an economy is a determinant of economic growth. Works Cited Bleaney, M, N Gemmell, and R. Kneller. Testing the endogenous growth model: public expenditure, taxation and growth over the long-run. Canadian Journal of Economics, 2001: 36-57. Buscemi, Antonino, and Alem Hagos Yallwe. Fiscal Deficit, National Saving and Sustainability of Economic Growth in Emerging Economies: A Dynamic GMM Panel Data Approach. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2012: 126-140. Ewa, U, and G. A. Agu. New System Economics for A’level. Africana First Publishers Limited, 2005: 180-181. Ogunbitan, O. Easy to Understand Economics. Rasmed Publication Limited, 2010. Tawiah, P. Basic Economics for West Africa. Idodo Umeh Publishers Ltd., 2006.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Pro Assisted Suicide Essay -- Death With Dignity euthanasia

Death With Dignity Today, American society is obsessed with the young and successful and their endless pursuit of beauty, fame, and fortune. People are bombarded with images of youth in movies, music, and ads for ordinary items such as toothpaste. Advertisers create the illusion that people can forever defer death by plastering ?anti-aging? across drugstore aisles to sell their products. In the search for eternal youth, people become desensitized to the importance of life?s inevitable end. Every day, countless people quietly pass away after long and painful struggles with terminal illnesses, and their loved ones are often reduced to helpless observers. Terminally ill patients are not merely a statistic; they are mothers, fathers, children, friends, and lovers who leave behind many distraught loved ones in death. By continuing to prohibit assisted suicide, the law denies many terminally ill patients the peaceful death they desire. Instead, patients must waste away slowly and endure constant pain, unless they have powerful and expensive medications to dull their senses. However, no amount of medication can remedy emotional pain, and patients sometime feel helpless and alone because death is their only release from suffering (Girsh 3). The law cannot rightfully ignore the special circumstances of terminal illnesses and deny people a dignified death simply because they retain brain function. Terminally ill patients need an option to prevent spending their final days, months, or years painfully deteriorating as they approach their inevitable deaths. Throughout the controversy, the public has focused on moral aspects of assisted suicide and overlooked the fact that one form has already been in practice for nine ye... ...situation of terminally ill patients over their personal convictions and abolish the boundaries keeping them from having a peaceful end to their lives. Works Cited ?2-to-1 Majorities Continue to Support Rights to Both Euthanasia and Doctor-Assisted Suicide.? The Harris Poll 9 January 2002 Death with Dignity National Center. 2006. 27 March 2006 . Girsh, Faye. ?Patients Should Be Given More Control Over Their Deaths.? USA Today March 2000. Levinson, Sanford. ?Assisted Suicide Should be Legalized.? The Nation 21 July 1997. Oregon Department of Human Services Report, 1994-1005. Oregon Department of Human Services. 2006. 27 March 2006 ?Physician Assisted Suicide: Legislative Statute.? Oregon Department of Human Services. 2006. 21 March 2006 . Pro Assisted Suicide Essay -- Death With Dignity euthanasia Death With Dignity Today, American society is obsessed with the young and successful and their endless pursuit of beauty, fame, and fortune. People are bombarded with images of youth in movies, music, and ads for ordinary items such as toothpaste. Advertisers create the illusion that people can forever defer death by plastering ?anti-aging? across drugstore aisles to sell their products. In the search for eternal youth, people become desensitized to the importance of life?s inevitable end. Every day, countless people quietly pass away after long and painful struggles with terminal illnesses, and their loved ones are often reduced to helpless observers. Terminally ill patients are not merely a statistic; they are mothers, fathers, children, friends, and lovers who leave behind many distraught loved ones in death. By continuing to prohibit assisted suicide, the law denies many terminally ill patients the peaceful death they desire. Instead, patients must waste away slowly and endure constant pain, unless they have powerful and expensive medications to dull their senses. However, no amount of medication can remedy emotional pain, and patients sometime feel helpless and alone because death is their only release from suffering (Girsh 3). The law cannot rightfully ignore the special circumstances of terminal illnesses and deny people a dignified death simply because they retain brain function. Terminally ill patients need an option to prevent spending their final days, months, or years painfully deteriorating as they approach their inevitable deaths. Throughout the controversy, the public has focused on moral aspects of assisted suicide and overlooked the fact that one form has already been in practice for nine ye... ...situation of terminally ill patients over their personal convictions and abolish the boundaries keeping them from having a peaceful end to their lives. Works Cited ?2-to-1 Majorities Continue to Support Rights to Both Euthanasia and Doctor-Assisted Suicide.? The Harris Poll 9 January 2002 Death with Dignity National Center. 2006. 27 March 2006 . Girsh, Faye. ?Patients Should Be Given More Control Over Their Deaths.? USA Today March 2000. Levinson, Sanford. ?Assisted Suicide Should be Legalized.? The Nation 21 July 1997. Oregon Department of Human Services Report, 1994-1005. Oregon Department of Human Services. 2006. 27 March 2006 ?Physician Assisted Suicide: Legislative Statute.? Oregon Department of Human Services. 2006. 21 March 2006 .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cause of Conflict Essay

* The Cause of Conflict is Because of Irresponsible Management. It was discovered that the predecessor of hosur health care had appointed five Supervisors to lead the center’s work force. He had little credibility with the employees. They had each been selected on the basis of seniority or their friendship with the previous manager. * The Communication Between the Management and the Employees was not Good. It was seen all the employees wer either demoralized or had tough, belligerent attitude towards the management. The employees were not afraid to settle their differences with their fist or verbal abuse. The predecessor had unintentionally encouraged this disruptive activity by largely depending upon the supervisor, to handle such problem and not being available to other employees. This led to the communication gap between the management and the employees. * No proper policies wer formed to for smooth operations at work. Which even led to cultural differences. Hosur health care was dominated by south Indians where budha was the only employ who is a north Indian. Which led to lot of differences between budha and other employees. There was a policy where the employees can listen to the radio when they are at work. But there was no policy which stated what kind of songs they can listen to. Anybody who come first at work place can play his favourite radio station for the rest of the day which was one of the reason for the conflict to start * There was no Human-Resource Department at Hosur Health Care. All the previous recruitment wer done by the manager himself. There was no human-resource department at hosur health care. This led to poor recruitment and no background check wer done, thus seven convicted felons wer recruited who wer fearless. * Managing Conflict (AVODING) The previous manager use to avoid all his responsibilities. Whenever the workers need him, he was never there. He was solely dependent upon the supervisors he had appointed. The maximum he would do is hollered at the workers and leave without even trying to settle the problem and resolve the issue. (All this points wer the major reason behind the conflict. Which forced the employees to develop a feeling of hatred towards each other and towards the management).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lifeboar Ethics Essays - Population, Demographic Economics

Lifeboar Ethics Essays - Population, Demographic Economics Lifeboar Ethics Garrett Hardins argument for the preservation of well-to-do societies is embodied by his extended metaphor of each society as a lifeboat with its members the lifeboats occupants. His presentation of this metaphor is key in his assertions that the creation of an international food bank, efforts to improve agriculture in foreign nations (the Green Revolution), and lax immigration laws will all result in universal tragedy. Hardins initial complaint is against humanitarian efforts to establish an international food bank, to which rich nations will contribute and from which poor nations will draw. Theoretically, accidents (famine, crop failure, etc.) should teach nations to plan ahead and budget for future tragedies; the existence of an international food bank would inhibit this process from occurring by spoiling the benefiting nations. In addition, a food bank would allow population to constantly balloon regardless of immediate food availability. For example, a famine should reduce a societys population back to its carrying capacity, but an international food bank would prevent this regression. A popularly proposed alternative is the Green Revolution, where agriculture is improved within a nation rather than food delivered directly to it. Despite the superior logic inherent in this idea as compared to that of a food bank, both have the exact same result: overpopulation. Hardin proceeds to point out that immigration itself represents a significant portion of this problem. Ethnic groups maintain paranoia of the label ethnocentricity, and Hardin insists that this prevents wealthy nations from creating more selective immigration laws. The consequence is the same as that of the food bank: a drain on the wealthy nations. Essentially Hardin asserts that food banks would prevent poor countries from learning their lesson and ultimately destroy the benefiting nation due to uncontrolled population growth. Likewise, the Green Revolution also spurs on this disastrous uncontrolled population growth. Finally, uncontrolled immigration allows foreigners to go to the food rather than vice-versa, thus destroying the wealthy nations in the same manner that food banks would destroy the poor. Quite simply, I disagree with Garrett Hardins theories regarding the self-preservation of wealthy nations in his paper Lifeboat Ethics. His assertions regarding the nations limited carrying capacities adheres the idea of self-preservation idea to firm logic, but logic cannot overpower the humanitarian impulse of mankind. World food banks and the Green Revolution are used to demonstrate the ratchet effect; a firm yet ineffectual point asserting that the efforts of wealthy nations to aid the poor are inhibiting to the welfare of the environment. Obviously this effect makes an excellent graphic for a thesis page and is alarming in many respects, but essentially it is encouragement for the wealthy populace to abandon the poor to the consequences of famine. Hardins initial analysis maintains that each nation can be viewed as a lifeboat in an ocean, each with a limited amount of space. As symptoms of overpopulation develop within a nation, members of that nation begin to fall overboard and seek refuge on other lifeboats. Similarly, overcrowded or poor nations who cannot support their population turn to the wealthier nations for food, money, and immigration opportunities; very similar to those adrift seeking passage on another lifeboat. This abstract view is actually well thought-out and consistent with parallels in the real world today, but simultaneously uncomfortable for most people. For example, this analogy may be extended to say that people arent willing to watch others die in the ocean while they are safe in a lifeboat, nor will they willingly watch others die on the planet while they possess the capability of saving them. This logical yet flawed model continues as Hardin reflects on the effects of taking on additional passengers, just as modern nations help those in need. According to Hardin, several problems arise when deciding to help those less fortunate: too many people will swamp the lifeboat (a.k.a.- the nation), no method exists to fairly choose which people to save, and if no saving actions are made, modern ethics will result in the guilt of the survivors. Again, this analysis is very consistent with the real world, as every day we (as individuals and as a nation) are confronted with opportunities to help those less fortunate. It is inconsistent, however, in that these daily confrontations do not

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Be the Ideal Applicant to Online Colleges

How to Be the Ideal Applicant to Online Colleges Applying to an online college can be particularly nerve-wracking. It can be difficult to know what your chosen program expects, especially if you don’t know anyone who has â€Å"attended† the school. Some online colleges have relaxed admissions guidelines (i.e. everyone who applies is accepted, assuming they have a high school diploma or its equivalency). Other online programs are very selective and only accept the best of the best. Most virtual colleges fall somewhere in the middle. They’re looking for students who meet basic benchmarks such as a reasonably high GPA in previous coursework and well-written application essays. Being aware of these benchmarks ahead of time can help you prepare to apply. What Online Colleges are Looking For in Their Ideal Applicant A successful academic record. Online colleges want to know that accepted applicants will succeed in their classes, without any face-to-face encouragement. Applicants who have high-grade point averages in previous high school and college-level work show the most promise. Many virtual schools set minimum GPAs for incoming students. If your GPA is particularly low due to unusual circumstances (your aunt died and you adopted her child, mid-semester) make note of it somewhere on your application. Lower GPAs are sometimes overlooked when the applicant demonstrates other strengths. High test scores. Whether they require the SAT, ACT, GRE, or LSAT, your online program wants to test your current knowledge and your ability to learn. There are many test preparation programs and books available to help you study. If your first score is too low, you may be able to take the exams a second or third time. Extracurricular and professional activities. Online schools may not offer a vibrant campus lif e, but they do want students who will make a difference in their own communities. Volunteerism and leadership are particularly important. If you’re a mid-career professional, let the school know about your achievements related to your field of study. Whether you’ve spent your Saturdays at an animal shelter or run a successful internet venture, don’t be afraid to toot your own horn. Well-written essays. The application essay is your chance to let your personality show through. Online colleges are looking for articulate, thoughtful essays without grammatical mistakes. Let a professional proof-read your essay and offer suggestions. But, don’t let your voice get muted. Admissions officials want to â€Å"see† who you are by reading your essay – authenticity counts. Stellar recommendations. Online colleges also want to know how other people see you. That’s why many programs require several letters of recommendations. When deciding on recommenders, choose people who know you well. Some colleges ask that recommendations remain confidential - if you’re not sure that person will give you an excellent recommendation, don’t ask. By meeting these basic application benchmarks, you’ll position yourself as the ideal applicant in the eyes of many online colleges. But, don’t forget to check with your chosen college’s applications counselors. Knowing their specific requirements is the best way to ensure that acceptance letter makes it to your mailbox.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

buy custom General Introduction to the Case essay

buy custom General Introduction to the Case essay The case involves Carol Howes, who is a Warden of the Lakeland Correctional Facility in Michigan as the petitioner. Randall Fields who is a prisoner at the Lakeland Correctional Facility is the respondent. Randall Fields is sentenced to imprisonment for ten to fifteen years. He is serving the sentence under state convictions for criminal sexual conduct of the third degree. According to the petition side of the case, two sheriffs deputies removed Randall Fields from his cell without advice on his Miranda rights. However, Fields was informed that he was at liberty to leave if he was not willing to continue with the interrogation. Nonetheless, the respondent did not leave or ask to be escorted back to the cell. The petitioner argues that a bright-line Miranda rule that was applied in this case gives convicted criminals more rights even than ordinary citizens (American Bar Association 12). The petitioner further asserts that the Court should endorse Miranda context-specific test especially where prisoners are involved and thus should revert the new bright-line approach of the Sixth Circuit. According to the respondent side of the case, Fields Miranda rights were violated since he was not duly instructed of these rights before the interrogation and removal from the jail as is legally expected. Although he was informed of his liberty to leave if he was not willing to continue with the interrogation, there was actually no one to escort him back to the cell since he was not familiar with the building. Randall Fields had no alternative but to sit and continue with the interrogation since there was no one to escort him back to the cell. Therefore, whereas he was at liberty to leave, this was not absolutely guaranteed. This is contrary to the provisions of the Fifth Amendment law that guarantees the application of the bright-line test in relation to cases involving custodial interrogations (American Bar Association 18). The Supreme Court law also requires that Miranda rights be given to an inmate removed from prison population for interrogation outside the prison and where the officers involved are unaffiliated with the prison (American Bar Association 18). The case requires the Supreme Court to determine the applicability of Miranda rights rules and whether or not Fields was entitled to these rights during his interrogation away from the general prison population. It also involves determination of whether or not the Fifth Amendment law absolutely applies where custodial interrogations are involved (American Bar Association 12). The Supreme Court is thus to determine whether, in line with the Fifth Amendment law and the bright-line Miranda principle, Fields rights were actually violated during the interrogation away from the prison population. Ideological issues in the Case The liberal side of this case would support Fields on grounds that he was not informed of his Miranda rights even as he was being removed from the general prison population for interrogation in the conference room in unusually odd hour. Although he was informed that he had the option of leaving back to the jail, one of the deputies admittedly testified that thedefendant was not escorted back to the cell (Dominguez 2011). The liberal side would thus support the respondent and base their decision on the grounds that his rights as provided for in the Fifth Amendment law and the bright-line test approach to Miranda warnings were violated. The conservative side would favor Carol Howes, the petitioner by resorting to the provisions of Mathis (American Bar Association 10). The conservatives would endorse Miranda context-specific test approach in this case. Hemmes et al (550) posits that this provision holds that Miranda rights are applicable but do not expressly establish that such individuals in custody be automatically entitled to Miranda warnings every time they are to be interrogated away from the general prison population (Brody and Acker 245). Supreme Courts Possible Ruling Generally, the Court would adopt a liberal decision in its ruling. This decision is influenced by the provision of the Fifth Amendment and the application of the bright-line test approach to Miranda rights. Further, the Supreme Court law provides that Miranda rights be given to any inmate removed from prison population for interrogation on occurrences outside the prison and where the officers involved are unaffiliated with the prison (American Bar Association 18). This right was violated by the petitioner. This explains why the decision is likely to be liberal and in favor of the respondent. Personal Opinion about the Case In the petition case involving Carol Howes and Randall Fields, I would rule in favor of the respondent. This is because the Sixth Circuits Mathis provides that Miranda warnings must be issued whenever a law enforcement officer removes any inmate from the general population for any custodial interrogations (Dominguez 2011). Fields was not entitled to the Miranda rights at the time of his removal from the jail. Precedent and Impact of the Case The precedent in this case is founded on the general provisions for Miranda rights. In the case of Oregon and Mathiason, 429 U.S. 494 (1977), the court considering Mathis, decided that Miranda principle is absolutely applicable based on the bright-line approach in the contexts where interrogation of a prisoner takes place in a setting away from the prison population (American Bar Association 21). In Oregon versus Mathiason, the Court decisively stated that Miranda rights are very applicable where there is restriction on a prisoners freedom and where the interrogation is coercive. This was the same in the case of Fields versus Howes. In this respect, the role of stare decisis will be very critical in the Supreme Courts decision in this case. The Court will also rely on the results of the precedent case involving Rhodes Island versus Innis, 446 U.S. 291, 301 (1980). In this case, the Court was to decide on a matter where there was dispute between application of bright-line test principle and the contextual test approach to Miranda provisions (Hemmes et al 550). In this case the Court decided that the coerciveness of the interrogation environment is a separate question from the matter involving custody. Therrefore, where the prisoner is already in custody, the bright-line approach to Miranda is applicable in line with the provisions of the Fifth Amendment law that the Supreme Court refers to in cases of a similar nature (Brody and Acker 245-246). Considering the precedent and evaluating the impact of this case, United States versus Menzer of 1994 could be used as a reference. In this case, the officers that were doing the interrogations worked hard to ensure that the interrogations were as non-coercive as possible. The inmate was also given the option to decide whether or not he wanted to meet the officers for interrogations (Brody and Acker 245-246). This is why the Court ruled in favor of the petitioner. On the contrary Fields was not granted this right. His interrogation was openly coercive. This explains why the Supreme Court must not go on the contrary in consideration of the precedent cases and the stare decisis. The precedent cases and the role of stare decisis would be very critical in determining the outcome of this case. This is because in principle, the Supreme Court does not contradict itself. The provision of Sixth Circuit that holds that routine questioning does not require advice on the rights would thus be ignored in this case (American Bar Association 32). Instead, the Court would refer to Mathis and the Fifth Amendment law as the controlling precedent in this case. The outcome of this case would be very critical especially in terms of setting precedence for the future cases involving interrogation of prisoners and where the Miranda warning provisions are involved. Besides, it will be very significant especially considering the fact that bright-line and Miranda context-specific test approaches have been crowded by differences in interpretation in the lower Courts. The decision of the Supreme Court in Fields versus Howes would thus be used as a referent case to guide future rulings in cases involving rights of prisoners that are being interrogated away from the general prison population. Relevance of the Case to Class Learning Context The case is very relevant to the course content as it involves determination of violation of Miranda rights or the absence of the same. It is further interesting to explore how this connects with the provisions of the Fifth Amendment law that guides cases involving custodial interrogations. The Fifth Amendment law reinforces the bright-line test and Miranda principles as it relates to custodial interrogations. Therefore, proper considerations must be made so as to help a person understand and exploit all the privileges that the case settings provide. Fields was not guaranteed this right and privilege during his interrogation. The Fifth Amendment law also provides that the defendant in a custodial case be made aware of the right to remain silent in the interrogation process. This is quite contextual in this case especially considering that Randall Fields was not absolutely given this right. This is despite the fact the Fifth Amendment and the provision of Miranda warning and rights safeguards his rights since he is in legal custody until he has fully served his ten to fifteen year sentence. Buy custom General Introduction to the Case essay

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Effect of legitimacy theory in achieving profitability and Essay

The Effect of legitimacy theory in achieving profitability and sustainability in a corporation - Essay Example Social and environment accounting involves communicating the social and environmental effects of the company’s economic actions related to a particular interest group in a society or to the society at large. But what role does the social environment accounting play in determining the performance of a company both in the short and long run. The theory behind the inception of contemporary issues in the accounting field will also be reviewed with focus given to the legitimacy theory (Suchman, 1995). Theories are a scheme or systems of ideas which account for a group of facts or ideas, accounting theories provide a systematic framework for understanding, investigating and developing various accounting practices. Theories are used for evaluating applicability of the current accounting practices. Legitimacy theory assumes that an entity is affected by and influenced the society in which it operates, among other system oriented theories, the institutional and stakeholders theory, an entity has the primary role of ensuring that it discloses information in the relationship among, groups, organisation, the state and individuals for the coon good of the public. According to Drever and McGowan, (2007), the systematic oriented theories were derived from the political Economy theory. â€Å"Political economy is the social, political and economic framework within which human life takes place† (Gray, Owen & Adams, 1996 p.47). It is obvious that entities exist within a society and economic issues affecting such an entity can not be excluded from the political, institutional and social framework within the society. Legitimacy theory ensures that organisations and entities carry out their activities within the legal bounds and norms of their respective societies. Any given society would not condone an entity within it to carry out illegitimate activities because of the repercussion that such activities may bring upon the society. However, bounds and norms are not sta tic as they keep changing with time, thus it is also necessary that an organisation responses to the changing culture and norms within the society in order to continue operating in it smoothly (O’Donovan, 2002). Latest Research ACCA UK Awards for Sustainability Reporting in 2008 recommended that companies should start accounting for their sustainability impacts from both a financial and non financial perspective. The article point out that accounting for social and environment sustainability is a challenge because most of the components of the social environment aspect are abstract in nature. The Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, in New Castle Australia have designed practical guide fro small community organisations and enterprises due to the growing interest in social accounting . The three main steps that authors relate to social accounting are planning, accounting and reporting and auditing. Milne has recently carried out a critical look at positive accounting theory, political costs and social disclosure analysis. The aim of the research was to illustrate empirical evidence in support of the challenges that meet positive accounting theory of social disclosures. Literature Review Mathews (1995), made an inquiry whether social environment accounting is a practical demonstration of ethical concern. He points out that the accounting profession was among the first professions to uphold integrity in its practices. Recently there have been attempts by educational programmes to move the accounting pr

Friday, October 18, 2019

International Finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Finance - Case Study Example One of the ways through which persistently weak currencies can be stabilized is by use of the preexisting currency. This implies that the government can employ microeconomic policies in order to ensure that the currency regains its value. For example, central banks should ensure that money supply is closely monitored to avoid inflation. Other instruments that can be used to regulate money supply include open market operations, discount rate and reserve requirements among others. Most importantly, the interest rates should be controlled to ensure that the public do not excessively borrow an aspect that can result to increase of the money in circulation and inflation. Another way of solving the problem of persistent currency is introducing a new currency. This implies that the central banks should hire experienced economic analysts in order to study the implication of generating new currency. It is vital to note that due to dire causes of making new uncontrolled currencies including hy perinflation, it is essential that government should first use all the available microeconomic policies before embarking on introducing a new currency. Vietnamese Dong among other weaker currencies can also be stabilized by borrowing foreign currencies (Ellen, 2012). Most of the countries with weak currencies usually borrow US dollars in order to ensure that the value of their currencies is maintained at an appropriate rate. While all the three ways are important, the best approach that a government can use depends on political situation. Most importantly, the three approaches should be able create a domestic market, increase reserves and strengthen the existing institutions. By importing or exporting to a foreign country such as Thailand, Blades is able to benefit in various ways. First, the company is able to import the products that it is facing difficulties in producing. Based on the high costs of production that Blades is facing in the US market,

Conflict Management Theory and The Role of Manager Assignment

Conflict Management Theory and The Role of Manager - Assignment Example When people work in teams clashes of opinions are likely to occur and every manager has to deal with the conflicts in a positive way. A qualified manager can intellectually appreciate that conflicts are the necessary ingredient of a free - enterprise system( Abraham, 1965). He also should take appropriate steps to resolve the conflicts and draw meaningful implications from them. The following essay attempts to explore the role played by the manager as a leader and a mediator in resolving conflicts. The major sources of conflict in an organization are personal differences, informational deficiencies, role incompatibility and environmental stress(David and Kim, 2005). According to him, personal differences are a common source of conflicts as individuals come together to play certain defined roles in an organization. The people who form the team for the completion of a specific task come from various cultures, family traditions and extent of socialization, etc. Hence, it is very common that conflicts will arise when they work together to achieve a common objective. They differ in their perceptions about the challenges ahead of them and they also differ in their expectations about the outcomes from specified situations. When there is a mismatch between the perceptions and expectations, the situation can take a personal overtone which may be the major source of organizational conflicts. Secondly, informational deficiencies can also be a major source of conflict. There may be lapses in the information flow between various functional units or individuals. These lapses may be due to technological disabilities or psychological barriers. Technological barriers can be caused by dysfunction of technical equipment used for communication and psychological barriers can be caused by various factors such as lack of knowledge and understanding, presumptions of the person receiving the message. Next, role incompatibility is another major source of conflict. Most often this factor causes more conflicts because when it is combined with the above two factors, it causes more deep conflicts. When the team members operate with different types of people, systems, processes, and procedures and report to various team leaders, the overlapping of the roles played by the personnel can cause conflict. Lastly, environmentally induced stress caused by a change in economic conditions. Family relationships, changes in the organization, etc can be major triggers for conflicts. Especially during the times of economic slowdown as in recent times, it is very stressful for the employees. Stress due to insecurity due to change in environmental conditions can cause deep mistrust on each other and can cause teamwork more difficult. When the employees are subject to uncertainty about their job status it can cause frustration and conflicts are more certain to occur. When these types of factors influence the behavior of employees, it is the duty of the manager to take up the role of mediator and facilitator to establish smooth working relationships and achieve organizational objectives.

Principles of economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Principles of economics - Essay Example Some of the alcoholic drinks are treated as ‘loss leaders’, the drinks whose prices are set below the cost of producing them. This is done to attract more customers. The setting of ‘floor price’ would ensure that a minimum price level is set for the alcoholic drinks and the retailers would be bound to set their prices not below the minimum price level. This is intended to increase price of those drinks in particular whose prices are below the minimum level. With the rise in price, the demand for the drinks is expected to fall thereby floor price setting would act as an effective measure to reduce alcohol abuse. The other contention about this issue is to put a limit on the availability of licenses to the retailers. The lesser the number of retailers, the lesser would be the availability of the alcoholic drinks. Shortage of the commodity would raise its price and people’s ability to purchase would fall (Hou, 2010). However, these solutions bring in other problems. For some binge drinkers alcoholic drinks are giffen goods for which there is less or no substitute. Hence due to a rise in price they would reduce consumption of other goods to maintain the consumption of alcohol at the previous level. Limited supplier of drinks would also bring a similar effect. For the normal drinkers alcohol is a normal good and increase in price of alcohol would impel them to reduce consumption of alcohol but at the same time reduce their purchasing power just as the case of price rise of any normal consumer good (Hou, 2010). Answer: Prescription drugs are normal goods and their quantity demanded increases with fall in price. It has positive income elasticity. Therefore, if the price of prescription drugs rises, the purchasing power of the consumers fall thereby reducing the demand for other goods and services. 3. Formulate a reason why the elasticity of demand is an important consideration when analyzing the impact of a shift in supply and why the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Scientific Method Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Scientific Method - Assignment Example The Roman Catholic Church denied the heliocentric view and suggested that people that believed this view were heretics (Young, 2006) because it contradicted some of the passages in the Bible. Many of the new scientific discoveries were thought to be at odds with the teachings of Christ and therefore were not accepted in the eyes of many Christians at the time (and some are still not accepted). This made it very difficult for scientists to publish their works for fear of being ostracized from society. Spinoza believed that there was only infinite substance, in contrast to Descartes’ dualistic view that there is infinite and finite substance. He also rejected the thought that there is a ‘thinking substance’. Protestant values are thought to have encouraged the development of scientific thought by separating Church from state and therefore allowing these ideas to be published and spread legally and politically. The Catholic Church began to have less power and therefore science had the freedom to

Law of Obligations 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Law of Obligations 1 - Essay Example "an agreement giving rise to obligations which are enforced or recognised by the law. The factor which distinguishes contractual from other legal obligations is that they are based on the agreement of contracting parties". (Trietel 2003) "An expression of willingness to contract made with an intention (actual or apparent)that it shall become binding on the offerer as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed..and an acceptance "is a final and unqualified acceptance of the terms of an offer."(Cracknel 2001).Because of the interaction of the offer and its acceptance a validly enforceable contract between Andrew and Billy has been formed. Next, as the facts of the question state, right before Billy delivered the equipment Andrew changed his mind to having wireless enabled computers, and not the wired ones specified in the contract. He asked Billy to let him have the more expensive, wireless enabled computers rather than the ones they had agreed upon. The question which arises at this point is whether Billy can subsequently claim the extra 500. The courts are likely to view this 500 discount within the realm of the traditional definition of consideration , bearing the detriment/benefit dichotomy (Cracknell 2001).Consideration has been defined as " either some right ,interest ,profit, or benefit accruing to the one party or some forbearance ,detriment ,loss or responsibility given suffered or undertaken by the other".1 Andrew has offered Billy a practical monetary benefit which amounts to sufficient consideration to "close the deal"2. The court will not concern itself with the value of the consideration i.e. "consideration must be sufficient but not necessarily adequate"3.Therefore Billy cannot challenge the price of this transaction as it is up to him to go London as often as he likes and use the internet there for free at his caf. The waiver of fee in the internet caf is a monetary advantage no matter how inadequate it may seem in business terms and the courts will uphold this arrangement. Therefore in my opinion Billy will not be able to claim this 500 discount. The Claim for 2000 Although Billy will not able to claim the 500 discount , but when Andrew asks Billy to accept 8,000 instead of 10,000 in full settlement, this becomes a case of breach of contract. The payment of 10000 was an express term of the contract and by his refusal to pay he is breaching the contract. This means there is a breach of contract because Billy has performed his part of the contract and Andrew is avoiding his performance i.e. the payment of 10000.Therefore Billy will be able to repudiate the contract and get back his equipment as well as damages for any depreciation in the value of the equipment as well as any wasted expenditure.4 However Andrew has not totally refused payment. He is offering a partial amount of the payment in settlement of the debt because he feels that he will have financial difficulties. Billy accepts this money fearing that Andrew is going bankrupt. The acceptance should technically mean that he should not be allowed to claim back his 2000 .In this regard I would

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Principles of economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Principles of economics - Essay Example Some of the alcoholic drinks are treated as ‘loss leaders’, the drinks whose prices are set below the cost of producing them. This is done to attract more customers. The setting of ‘floor price’ would ensure that a minimum price level is set for the alcoholic drinks and the retailers would be bound to set their prices not below the minimum price level. This is intended to increase price of those drinks in particular whose prices are below the minimum level. With the rise in price, the demand for the drinks is expected to fall thereby floor price setting would act as an effective measure to reduce alcohol abuse. The other contention about this issue is to put a limit on the availability of licenses to the retailers. The lesser the number of retailers, the lesser would be the availability of the alcoholic drinks. Shortage of the commodity would raise its price and people’s ability to purchase would fall (Hou, 2010). However, these solutions bring in other problems. For some binge drinkers alcoholic drinks are giffen goods for which there is less or no substitute. Hence due to a rise in price they would reduce consumption of other goods to maintain the consumption of alcohol at the previous level. Limited supplier of drinks would also bring a similar effect. For the normal drinkers alcohol is a normal good and increase in price of alcohol would impel them to reduce consumption of alcohol but at the same time reduce their purchasing power just as the case of price rise of any normal consumer good (Hou, 2010). Answer: Prescription drugs are normal goods and their quantity demanded increases with fall in price. It has positive income elasticity. Therefore, if the price of prescription drugs rises, the purchasing power of the consumers fall thereby reducing the demand for other goods and services. 3. Formulate a reason why the elasticity of demand is an important consideration when analyzing the impact of a shift in supply and why the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Law of Obligations 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Law of Obligations 1 - Essay Example "an agreement giving rise to obligations which are enforced or recognised by the law. The factor which distinguishes contractual from other legal obligations is that they are based on the agreement of contracting parties". (Trietel 2003) "An expression of willingness to contract made with an intention (actual or apparent)that it shall become binding on the offerer as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed..and an acceptance "is a final and unqualified acceptance of the terms of an offer."(Cracknel 2001).Because of the interaction of the offer and its acceptance a validly enforceable contract between Andrew and Billy has been formed. Next, as the facts of the question state, right before Billy delivered the equipment Andrew changed his mind to having wireless enabled computers, and not the wired ones specified in the contract. He asked Billy to let him have the more expensive, wireless enabled computers rather than the ones they had agreed upon. The question which arises at this point is whether Billy can subsequently claim the extra 500. The courts are likely to view this 500 discount within the realm of the traditional definition of consideration , bearing the detriment/benefit dichotomy (Cracknell 2001).Consideration has been defined as " either some right ,interest ,profit, or benefit accruing to the one party or some forbearance ,detriment ,loss or responsibility given suffered or undertaken by the other".1 Andrew has offered Billy a practical monetary benefit which amounts to sufficient consideration to "close the deal"2. The court will not concern itself with the value of the consideration i.e. "consideration must be sufficient but not necessarily adequate"3.Therefore Billy cannot challenge the price of this transaction as it is up to him to go London as often as he likes and use the internet there for free at his caf. The waiver of fee in the internet caf is a monetary advantage no matter how inadequate it may seem in business terms and the courts will uphold this arrangement. Therefore in my opinion Billy will not be able to claim this 500 discount. The Claim for 2000 Although Billy will not able to claim the 500 discount , but when Andrew asks Billy to accept 8,000 instead of 10,000 in full settlement, this becomes a case of breach of contract. The payment of 10000 was an express term of the contract and by his refusal to pay he is breaching the contract. This means there is a breach of contract because Billy has performed his part of the contract and Andrew is avoiding his performance i.e. the payment of 10000.Therefore Billy will be able to repudiate the contract and get back his equipment as well as damages for any depreciation in the value of the equipment as well as any wasted expenditure.4 However Andrew has not totally refused payment. He is offering a partial amount of the payment in settlement of the debt because he feels that he will have financial difficulties. Billy accepts this money fearing that Andrew is going bankrupt. The acceptance should technically mean that he should not be allowed to claim back his 2000 .In this regard I would

Transportation City of Boston Essay Example for Free

Transportation City of Boston Essay Internet practices in the year 2000 were the elements that brought new challenges to the field of logistics. People started to expect more from the customer service field and from the quality and value that corporations provided. With these high expectations, the importance of transportation and logistics became a way to make firms more competitive by understanding their customers’ needs and the additional value that they are looking for. At this time, logistics continued to develop elements such as electronic-businesses; globalization; business alliances; and technological advancements. Technology is a logistical core competence with increasing importance, especially for the service providers. Most companies nowadays conduct their businesses through the internet. They use different Internet applications including websites for marketing purposes, tracking and tracing tools, information gathering, procurement, order entry and credit management. With the use of technology, companies even have the possibility of automating the logistics system; â€Å"a customer’s order can be generated automatically, transmitted via electronic data interchange (EDI) to a supplier’s computer, which then directs the required amount of the needed product be pulled automatically from the warehouse and shipped to the customer† (Gourdin, 2001, p.13). Furthermore, Gourdin (p.14) states that technology makes processes â€Å"without human intervention and with virtually no waiting time.† In addition, Internet and electronic-commerce are also important factors in developing the logistics system. The Internet has quickly become the easiest method for supplying information for both companies and customers. It has also become the choice of transmission device for exchanging forecasts, orders, inventory status, products updates and shipment information. Logistics is an important element in the field of electronic-commerce because firms have to reassess their logistics systems to make sure that their clients can get their products in an expeditious manner. Globalization, on the other hand, has also hastened the growth of logistics, especially in the areas of national, political and economic settings. Global operations need information technology integration to route orders and manage inventory requirements around the world and will need alliances that are essential in international commerce. This is also essential in providing market access and expertise to reduce the inherent risks of global operations associated with distance, demand, diversity, and documentation of international commerce. What role did transportation play in the economic development of the United States? Is this role of transportation still important today? The role that transportation played in the economic development of the United States economy was immense. The transportation revolution in the first decade of the 19th century halted the western isolation, during the period wherein United States experienced an economic growth known as â€Å"Era of Good Feelings†. During the 1800s, natural waterways were the only trade route for the Americans. After a century and with years of development, railroads and tracks were established. In the late 1920s, regional airlines opened and began regular operations for scheduled passenger flights. By the dawn of 1960s, the introduction of transportation through containers changed the way freights were traveled towards different countries and around the globe. Improvements and innovations in the transportation system developed through the years. Having a good transportation system meant economic and social opportunities for the people and such opportunities are later transmitted to benefits that are reflected in the economy. Transportation is a very visible element of logistics. The economy is largely dependent on the state of transportation in every nation. As such, without a reliable system of transportation, most commercial activities could not function. In the United States alone, more than 60 percent of total logistic cost is related to transportation services. Efficient transportation systems render economic and social opportunities that could benefit the society and give people the opportunity to penetrate into larger markets and also save time and costs. Mobility and the development of a good system of transportation have already created numerous opportunities to the people in the United States that were later translated to economic benefits by generating employment and boosting the national income. The transportation sector alone provided jobs for about 7.5 percent of the American workforce. With the development of the country’s infrastructure, the transportation system and its services must also be supported and maintained. For example, the federal government, through the taxes paid by the people, must allot funds to build and maintain railroad tracks, roads, bridges and highways. The transportation system in the United States has indeed developed over the years. People are now equipped with a number of alternatives of transportation methods to choose from that they find the most effective in terms of their necessities. However, even with these developments, people have not yet stopped on devising new transportation methods that will better cater the needs of the people in the future. Technology plays an important role in the transportation system. People rely on technology in order to enhance the efficiency of the existing transportation system. References Ballou, D. H. (1999). Business Logistics/Supply Chain Management. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Bowersox, D. J., Closs, D. J., Cooper, M. B. (2007). Supply Chain Logistics Management. New York: McGraw Hill International. Coyle, J. J., Bardi, E. J., Novack, R. A. (2005). Transportation. Ohio: Thomson South-Western. Gourdin, K. N. (2001). Global Logistics Management. Boston: Blackwell Publishing. Williams, A. ( 2001). The Role of Logistics in Internet Commerce. Retrieved August 08, 2008, from;col1

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Mediatization Of Society Theory Media Essay

The Mediatization Of Society Theory Media Essay Hjarvard deduces that media simultaneously become an integrated part of society, not to mention the existence of other new social media. New social media, a set of identity-centric information and communication technologies (ICTs) that enables production and sharing of digital content in a mediated social setting (Studstzman, 2009) such as Facebook and Twitter, have successfully attracted millions of users, many of whom have integrated these sites into their daily practices and transformed them from a situation of information scarcity to one of information abundance. Accordingly, Ronn (2007) in one of his reports noted that social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, are among the most visited sites on the Internet, just behind the major search engines. Facebook for example, as the site grows more popular, claims that it has more than 500 million active users and 50% of users log on to this site everyday (Facebook, 2011), while Twitter records 175 million registered u sers since its first launch in 2006, with around 95 million tweets are written per day (Twitter, 2011). Both Facebook and Twitter equipped with platforms that allow individuals, as cited in Boyd (1997), to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. These platforms not only serve its users as a tool of sharing of life minutiae (Green, 2011) but also seize the opportunity of increasing their engagement in various issues. For example, Facebook and Twitter have played an increasing role in American politics as they become what US President Barrack Obama campaign in 2008 were most successfully noted for. Accordingly, both also facilitate online community to raise fund for Japanese earthquake and tsunami victim as well as assist innovation that plays as a significant role in cultural change. In other word, interactive and collaborative features provided by the platform of social media have made the dimension of political, social and cultural advancement become more prominent. However, it appears questionable to simply claim that social media alternately acts as the ground of political revolution or creates new social identity and induce cultural change (Boyd, 2011, Green 2011, Hoffman Kornweitz, 2011). A single click on Facebook gro up and merely a tweet do not make people politically activated and socially changed. As emphasises by Boyd (2011), it seems to be only a majestical lustre that technologys structure instantly influences peoples behaviour. Correspondingly, Green (2011) also voices an interesting quandary if social media actually enhance the democracy itself. It is reasonable since Facebook and Twitter are not a replace for motivation that at least required for a revolution to be taken place or new community to be formed. Nonetheless, it is likely understandable from current events that social media have the power to pursue and persuade as by providing platform toward political revolution, social community and cultural advancement yet bring negative and positive consequences for those three subjects. SOCIAL MEDIA AND POLITICAL REVOLUTION As mention above, Facebook, in particular, provides three default platforms for its users to convey their political interest (Langlois, 2009). First, users can become fan of politicians profile or page. Second, they can create or join a group and last, they can change their political views in their profile. Among three, becoming a fan or a group is considered to allow users to be more engaged. Once the common interests are created, the Facebook platforms greatly simplify communicating within and to a network via emails, invitation and reminders. Shirky (2011), social media have become coordinating tools for nearly all of the worlds political movement. Prominent example for this argument is U.S. President Barack Obamas election in 2008. As cited from Obamas Facebook groups during the campaign greatly simplify communicating within and to more than 1, 2 millions of his supportersHe also highlights three default ways . Langlois (2009), Addressed by Hoffmann Kornweitz as medium of direct citizen participation, this aggregation of public via the social network does remarkably magnify the engagement of society to the campaign itself, by extending their social activities/participation such as informing others about campaign events, attempting to persuade donations or taking part in activities related to politics without having to sit down face to face! against History of Russia and France are best example of how lack of new social media did not impede both countries revolutions from happening. The media themselves ineffective acted by casual participants which obviously does not guarantee that every political movement of mobilization will succeed, because the state has not lost the power to react. Take Tunisia for example. The only way both governments could immensely stop the quick dissemination of information was to shut down the whole internet. SOCIAL MEDIA AND SOCIAL IDENTITY/COMMUNITY As noted above, new social media such as Facebook and Twitter are potentially able to change the character of our social live. According to . that the new media is changing the way people think, act, and feel. Langlois (2009) stated that social media allows for the emergence of marginalized issue and public: The online informational system provide the material, communicational and social means for a public to exist Therefore, it is likely clear that new social media can be powerful tools for spurring social change, with stressing point that it played a facilitating, mediating role in connections and interactions among its user in society. There are at least three reasons for this claim to be apprehended: Firstly, social media enables creation of dense network that extend human communication abilities in both time and space. According to technological determinism purposed by Mc Luhan, the world now is a global village, where physical distance is even less of a hindrance to the real-time communicative activities of people. Therefore social spheres are greatly expanded by the openness of the web and the ease at which people can search for online communities and interact with others that share the same interests and concerns. Secondly, social medias quick dissemination of information supports new communities to be created, (virtual). Equipped with features that enable for users to be more interactive and collaborative, social media becomes a form of mediated communication that gives the audience access to on-demand content and the ability to share and discuss it with others within seconds. Lets look at Japanese Tsunami and Earthquake for example. Addison asserts in one of his reports that images and videos of Japans tsunami were soon hitting the web just minutes count from the first wave hit Sendai. Thousands messages were then updated via Twitter within seconds, showing of good will, condolences and offering aid for Japan. Social media facilitates such as allowing people the chance to donate to the Red Cross via text message, the donation being added to phone bills. According to the members of the each social medium, there are more than 500 million people are using Facebook and more than 200 million view s on the Youtube for a day. It means billions of audiences are able to share and receive information on the same platform at the same time. Moreover, the information on the social media can be posted and received immediately. Therefore, the information on the social media could be disseminated much faster, compared with traditional media. Thirdly, specifically that the social media is more user generated content, it allows users as news producers. The social media provide a platform for public to advocate social issues. Moreover, it also means the news is not limited by organizations or governments anymore. For instance, for Chinese Jasmine Revolution in 2011, even the Chinese Government tried to stop the situation to be expanded on the social media, it is still held quite successfully. Afterwards, the international media is starting to be conscious to what the revolution was trying to present to public and they are trying to report it to public as well. According to media and social dependency theory (Defleur Ball-Rokeach), for some countries (especially developing countries), if public are uncertain about their society and country, it is much easier for them to rely on the media. It means for some countries, audiences might be easy to follow the issues. In short, social media definitely, developed freedom of speech. With every response and action that results from our engagement, we are slowly introduced to the laws of social physics: for every action there is a reaction even if that reaction is silence. And, the extent of this resulting activity is measured by levels of influence and other factors such as the size and shape of nicheworks as well as attention aperture and time. the concept of community no longer has geographical limitations, as people can now virtually gather in an online community and share common interests regardless of physical location. However, idea of new community in Facebook did not make Obama win his Presidency. SOCIAL MEDIA AND CULTURAL ADVANCEMENT Conclusion Yes, overall it can especially in terms of providing fast, quick and ..platform ,,,. Media scholars argue that social media platforms are tools of self-expression that return a benefit to a public good It is reasonable since Facebook and Twitter are not a replace for motivation that at least required for a revolution to be taken place or new community to be formed. . People can virtually gather in Facebok and Twitter online community or groups, regardless geographical limitations and physical location, which (.). Ronn, K. (2007). Social networking: Closer than you think. Business Week Online, p. 12. Available at: Hjarvard, S. (2008). The Mediatization of Society: A Theory of the Media as Agents of Social and Cultural Change. [Article]. NORDICOM Review, 29(2), 105-134.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Women in Politics Essay -- Papers

Women in Politics Beginning with the early nineteen hundreds, women from all over the country have bounded together, forming leagues and clubs for equal rights. However, it wasn't until today "at the dawn of the twenty-first century, states and international community can no longer refute the fact that humanity is made up of two sexes, not just one" (Oliveria 26). Why has the woman's move for equality just now started to balance itself out? Well, the answer is quite simple; women are just now being looked at as semi-equals. They are beginning to become corporate executives in businesses, and popular in the field of medicine and law. Women have tried hard to push themselves forward in society to create a balanced and harmonious economy and so far it has been successful. Barriers of all kinds have been broken, well, all except a few, mainly in politics and with the information I have collected I will show why. Politics†¦when one stops and thinks of the word "politics" what naturally comes to mind? Our founding fathers, Presidents George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson; the popular political figures of today, President Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Al Gore; or do we think about Belva Ann Lockwood, Jeannette Rankin, Frances Perkins, and Eugenie Moore - who? When American's think about politics, Lyn Kathlene, journalist for the "Higher Education Chronicles," states that "ninety-five percent of the time they envision a man who is in charge of running, or helping to run, their country." Is society to blame for this misconception that women do not hold important roles in government and participate in making important decisions for our country? Not really, people just don't hear or read about women in politics as often as... ...ernment? No, but society needs to realize that this is "'the dawn of a new century'" and the role of the female should indeed be reevaluated. Bibliography: Arenofsky, Janice. "Women in Politics." Career World April 1996: 16-21. Hogan, Robert. "The Influence of State and District Conditions on the Representation of Women in U.S. State Legislation." American Politics Research January 20001: 4-24. Hunter, Teola. "A Different View of Progress -- Minority Women in Politics." The Journal of State Government December 1995: 45-52. Kathlene, Lyn. "Studying the New Voice of Women in Politics." The Chronicles of Higher Higher Education 18 Nov. 1992: B2. Periodical Abstracts. Online. 1992. Oliveria, Ruisika. "Women's Long March to Power: The Political Arena." United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Courier June 2000: 26-35.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

The United States was founded on the right to pursue happiness, just as it was founded on the right for everyone to be considered equal. According to Americas forefather’s equality is innate and the truth to this is undeniable. If our forefather’s saw the kind of equality the world was striving for in today’s society, our forefather’s would be turning over their graves. Being separated from what is socially acceptable is not always easy. When most people are being normal, are they really acting normal- or are they just pretending? There are benchmarks that society has drilled people into believing to be true. These benchmarks are inherently unrealistic expectations that people deem to be true. In the Coca-Cola commercial a girl tries many times through trial and error to look socially acceptable, after much frustration she realizes that the only way she can be happy is if she puts on clothes and makeup she’s comfortable with. Yes society is broken, but we are society so let the change begin with us. By being around people that like us for who we are, accepting our faults, and finding ourselves in society- we can learn to be ourselves. One of the most important qualities in life is being able to find peace of mind but this quality is hard to find if society is constantly following other people’s rules. In the Coca-Cola commercial the girl realizes that even though she look’s socially acceptable, she will only be happy if she wears clothes she’s comfortable with. In today’s society it’s hard to find people that go against what everyone else has conformed to, and when this is seen it makes it even more special, because it creates a chain reaction. When this occurred, the girl acquired insight and emerged as her own person, now being ... ...because that way we can be comfortable and let down out walls that expose our real personality. If we spend time trying to meet this benchmark that society tries so hard to make true- we will always be frustrated, just like how the protagonist was in the commercial. Our faults and weaknesses only make us human and are always inevitable, but when we are surrounded with people that love us for who we are, we learn that these so called â€Å"flaws† only make us unique and are at peace with who we are. Society is at fault for setting this cookie cutter image that a lot of people deem to be true, but these benchmarks are always farfetched which is why people aren’t happy with who they are trying to be. Being able to step in the world without caring what other people think is a great and empowering feeling. Because we only have one life to live- we might as well be ourselves.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Rafael Nadal

Drew Parker Mrs. Edwards 15, October, 2012 Spch 102 Rafael Nadal Introduction: A. ) Known by many as â€Å"Rafa†, Rafael Nadal is one of the top-ranked tennis players in the world today. B. ) He has a combined record of 120-43, and doesn’t seem to have any weaknesses and is compared to tennis legends like Andre Agassi and Bjorn Borg. C. ) His childhood, and his achievements this far has made him who he is today, and as stated on Forbes. com, â€Å"Nadal is the number 16 highest paid athlete with endorsements worth 25 million dollars. † Transition: Let’s start with his roots. Body: Main point 1 –Nadal was born in Majorca, Spain on June 3rd, 1986. He began playing tennis and soccer at the age of 3, being coached both by his Uncle Toni. According to The New York Times, â€Å"there was a lot more soccer than tennis in Nadal’s childhood. â€Å" His Uncle Toni was a top soccer player for Spain’s F. C Barcelona, and with his experience he t rained Rafa to be a great soccer player as well as tennis star. At the age of 11 he decided to quit soccer and totally focus on tennis. He is naturally right handed, but his Uncle Toni forced him to play with his left hand because you can generate more spin that way.By playing left handed it gives Nadal a supreme advantage during his serve. When people serve right handed the ball bounces away from the player, and when people serve left handed the ball spins right into the opponents’ midsection. With majority of the tennis stars being right handed, it makes things very difficult for an opponent of Nadals’ while returning serves. At the age of 15, Rafael was one of the highest ranked juniors in the world, and he jumped into the pro’s becoming one of the youngest players ever to win an ATP tour match. He achieved this when beating Ramon Delgado in Majorca 2002.This made him one 1 out of only 9 players to ever win an ATP match before the age of 16. Transition: All o f his accomplishments at an early age is a precursor for what’s to come. Main point 2 – Nadal has won many tournaments and many awards throughout his career. In 2003 at the age of 16 he was the youngest player ever to be ranked in the ATP’s top 100. In the same year he won the ATP Newcomer of the Year award. He was also the youngest player ever to make it to a third round in a Grand Slam at Wimbledon at the age of 16. In 2005, at the age of 19 Nadal had one of the best accomplishments of his career at that point. Atptour. om states, â€Å" Nadal was the first teenager to win a Grand Slam since Pete Sampras in 1990. † He won the French Open that year and had a combined 25 match-winning streak at the end of the year. Tom Oldfield stated in his book Rafael Nadal: The Biography, â€Å" Nadal had been known as a clay court specialist since playing in his first tournaments in 2001. † So it wasn’t a surprise that he would win the French Open. Nadal has won 71 total singles titles, and 11 doubles titles totaling in 82 career tournament wins. Sports Illustrated has Nadal down for winning 11 grand slams to this day, which ties him for 4th on the all time list.He is behind all-time greats like Andre Agassi, Pete Sampras, and Roger Federer. He is tied with another German great Bjorn Borg He has won 7 French Opens, 1 U. S. open, 1 Australian Open, and 2 Wimbledon Opens. He also won the Olympic gold in 2008 making him one of the most well rounded players in the game. He is only 23 years old at this point, and has done much more than other tennis players do in their whole career. No one may come close to matching the number of Grand Slams he could end up winning. Transition: All of these achievements could lead to nothing more than some serious cash flow. Main point 3-Rafa is one of the highest paid athletes in the world. According to celebnetworth. org Rafa has sponsorships with, â€Å" Kia motors, Babolat, Nike, Bacardi, Richard M ille, and Armani. † His Nike endorsement is worth 21 million per year. With all of these endorsements and his career earnings, Nadal is at a net worth of around 60 million dollars per year making him the 16th ranked highest paid athletes. This puts him on the list of names along with Michael Phelps, Lebron James, Alex Rodriguez, and other highly paid athletes. In 2012 he has already gained 26 million in endorsements and 34 million in annual earnings. Transition:This takes us to our conclusion. Conclusion: A. ) We’ve been over Rafael’s childhood, his achievements, and his earnings. By doing this we see how much he means to the game of tennis. He was one of the youngest players ever to win a Grand Slam, and is endorsed by names like Nike, Babolat, and Armani, which only endorse the best athletes. B. ) He is currently the 16th highest paid athlete and the future looks bright for Nadal. At a current age of only 23, Nadal has a chance to become one of the greatest of all times, and at the pace he’s going he has a great opportunity to beat Federer’s record holding 17 Grand Slams.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Surrealist Writer Essay

Considered to be one of the most important contemporary writers in modern Japan, Haruki Murakami shot to fame with his novel â€Å"Norwegian Wood†, a story about sexuality and loss, which sold 4 million copies in Japan instantly turning him into a Japanese pop culture icon. Although most of his stories are set in modern Japan, his portrayal of everyday things and gritty realities depict most cities of the modern world. Since his works are heavily influenced by Western culture, with cameos of Marlboro cigarettes and McDonald’s, allusions to western music and values, Murakami is able to bridge the gap between the wild West and the oriental East. Thus, his works transcends cultures and speaks to a global audience. Some critics have criticized him for being predictable, using almost similar characters and mirroring plots (www. complete-review. com) but he too has been praised for presenting a fresh eye and imagination into contemporary literature. And what an imagination it is. Upon reading a Muraki novel, one is taken through a bizarre journey of realities, dreams and other dimensions. Although he grounds his novels in the everyday people that act as his protagonists, his presentation of their experiences are out of the ordinary. He sends his characters into alternate realities, lets them have conversations with ghosts and out of body experiences. If he were not a novelist, Haruki Murakami will surely have equal success as a Surrealist painter. The Elephant Vanishes into the TV TV people is a short story found in Murakami’s short story compilation book â€Å"The Elephant Vanishes. † Powell’s books. com describes the book as â€Å"haunting and hilarious† and an assault on the normal. † It contains stories ranging from the disappearance of a favorite elephant, a guy seeing the love of his life, losing sleep yet finding freedom, and the intricacies of family relationships. The book is again a perfect blend of Murakami’s style of reality and disambiguity, tackling such issues as love, independence and dependence. From all the stories found in â€Å"The Elephant Vanishes†, TV People stands out in its style and presentation. TV people is a story of a man who one day receives a TV delivered to his apartment. What fascinated the man was not the TV he received but the the people who delivered it. Referred to as the â€Å"TV people†, they are described as slightly smaller than the average man, who silently works setting up the man’s TV. The man is intrigued as to who and what these people are, especially since he did not even buy the television. However, he is even more puzzled by the fact that these TV people did not seem to see him and acknowledge his presence. However, he again sees the TV people at work and this was where things started to turn bizarre. Every time the man would ask his officemates about the TV people, the officemates would just ignore him, much like the way the TV people ignored him. This sets him on a journey of self critique, questioning his own identity and ultimately his own existence. It is a fascinating read as it has the tone of a suspense movie, with all the questions hanging in the air as the TV people intrude upon the life of the protagonist. What is great about the story is that it does not only tell a tale of a man questioning his own existence but it also presents the reader something to chew and ponder upon. The theme of existing or non-existing through the acknowledgement of others is very thought provoking especially in a modern society where identities and lives are created through the attention of other people. Another interesting thing to note is that the introduction of the TV into the protagonist’s life led to his journey of self-critique. Some reviews o fthe story revealed that Haruki Murakami actually wrote TV People as a critique on a technology saturated society. Much like how the TV impacted the life of the protagonist, the fast paced development and assimilation of technology in human lives has altered man and his values. People now live in a world where the media and technology dictate what is right and what is wrong, who is important and who is not, who exists and who doesn’t. Especially in Japan where the rapid development of Information and Communication technologies have resulted in a fast paced and highly competitive society, a â€Å"lost generation† has emerged in their society. Youths who live like hermits in their own houses that they became so detached from reality. Much like the TV people who shunned the outside world while they go on their way. This story attempts to wake society from its dependence on technology. Entertaining in its suspense but intelligent in its presentation, TV people is vintage Murakami. It presents ordinary settings, ordinary things, made extraordinary by the stories that they lead.